Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Non Difference Between youth and adults

(Author: Abraham Piper)

Recently, Tyler Kenney and I were able to get a quick interview with Paul Tripp. We'll be blogging it over the next few days.

Our first question was, "What differences do you see between ministering to youth and ministering to adults?"

For his full answer, you can listen to the audio. (Please forgive how rough it is.)

Here is my summary of his thoughts:

There are ways in which there's no difference. There's only one gospel, not a different one for children, young people, and adults.

And there's a way the struggles of the heart are the same. These struggles play out differently depending on our stage in life, but when it comes down to it, we all want to be sovereign over our own lives.

If you understand that about your heart, and you're humble about it, you'll get what a kid or teenager is going through. You'll understand that it isn't first a problem of misbehavior; it's first a problem in the heart.

For more from Paul Tripp, check out Paul Tripp Ministries and follow him on Twitter.

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