The church unites all the saints, and grows upon apostolic foundation, being centered on Christ Jesus into the fullness of the Body of Christ, since through Christ it has become one flesh with him. As the body, it is the place where Christ dwells in the fullness of his presence and glory as to be revealed to the world as a light that produces all that is good, right, and true and the light that exposes wickedness. It can do this because the new body is created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness having been saved by Christ, because of his great love. It has been set apart by Jesus Christ through his giving himself up for it and cleansing it by the word; so that he could present it to himself in splendor without spot or wrinkle, holy, and without blemish, thereby glorifying God in Christ Jesus as revealers of the manifold wisdom of God.
The Short Definition
The local church has been designed by God to unite the saints and grow through a deeper and more accurate understanding of the gospel into the fullness of the righteous, holy, glorious body of Christ, which is a light to the world.
Quote From Jonathan Edwards "Religious Affections" showing why a good definition as to the nature of the local church should be found in the universal church.
"The way to learn the true nature of anything, is to go where that thing is to be found in its purity and perfection. If we would know the nature of true gold we must view it, not in the ore, but when it is refined."
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